
May 2017
Poster Alert-meldingen
ESTRO, “Annual Congress 2017”
Dénis Eijssen, Petra Reijnders, Mariska IJzendoorn

September 2016
Abstract poster Alert-meldingen
Symposium AMC “Incidenten in de patiëntenzorg”
Dénis Eijssen, Petra Reijnders, Mariska IJzendoorn

June 2016:
Opzetten van thematisch onderzoek met behulp van meldingsdata binnen de vereniging PRISMA-RT
Petra Reijnders, Monique Roozen, Margreet Bijl, Wilfred Tulling, Anne Joustra

February 2015:
Organizational development trajectory of a large academic radiotherapy department set up similarly to a prospective clinical trial: the MAASTRO experience, publication Maria Jacobs

February 2015:
Set up the managerial intervention similarly to a prospective clinical trial: the MAASTRO experience“,
publication in British journal of radiology, febr 2015

December 2014:
Doctoraat thesis of Pascale Simons:
Evaluating a lean healthcare transition in a radiotherapy clinic

April 2012:
Veilig starten met een nieuwe workflow! published in the magazine Gamma of the NVMBR

September 2010:
Inter-observer variability in the analysis of radiotherapy incidents using the PRISMA method, ESTRO posterpresentation by Mathilde C. Bunck-van der Laag, Martijn Kamphuis, Ulrike Neuerburg, Paul M.A. van Haaren, Caro C.E. Koning

July 2010:
PRISMA-RT, de eerste vereniging in de gezondheidszorg die incidentdata benchmarkt (NL), published in the magazine Gamma of the NVMBR

January 2010:
MAASTRO neemt Prisma-RT op in de algemene informatie over Risico & Veiligheid
Petra Reijnders

Maart 2009:
Improvement of patient safety in Dutch radiotherapy, by benchmarking data of incident analyses (PRISMA) between 17 radiotherapy departments
Jørgen van den Bogaard, Gytha Cuppen, Monique Roozen, Jo Duvivier, Magreet Bijl, Rogier Wessel, Petra Reijnders